Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Back in London! Home sweet home. :)

We got back on May 12th. Now, I started showing Patrick all the things I'd seen and thought he'd enjoy, plus some things I hadn't seen yet either.

First, we headed all the way over to Greenwich to check out the Maritime Museum and Observatory. I'd been there before, but I thought Patrick would really like it. He says he did.

On the time line!

We checked out Abby Road and then went to the AHA offices (to drop stuff off and pick something up) and used the Internet while we were there. Then we walked over to the British Museum and saw--among other things--the Rosetta Stone. Patrick really liked the Assyrian/Mesopotamian hall and we both liked the Central American turquoise masks/faces/snake thing.

The Rosetta Stone with my reflection. :)

It's turquoise!

After that we went to a park to hang out, but the pollen got the better of Patrick so we moved on. :) We found a pub nearby and got an early dinner. Then we headed over to Oxford Circus to see The Winter's Tale. I had really liked the performance I saw with my Shakespeare class and I was excited for Patrick to be able to see it, too. It was such a unique experience and we both could appreciate the Improv and teamwork that went into it.

Early (sort of) in the morning we went to the Novello theatre to try to get our tickets, but they weren't in yet (we got up early for nothing!). :P We did enjoy a moment of quiet at a cafe though. Then we walked to the Millennium Bridge and crossed it to get to... The Globe! yay! While we were there, we took a tour and looked over the exhibition.

At the Globe!!!

We stepped next door to Tate Modern for a moment, so I could show Patrick the exhibit I was so excited about (Thirty Pieces of Silver)--we also found a Monet! Then we walked a looooooong way along the river to the Tower of London. Along the way, we saw the full sized replica of the Golden Hinde (famous for being captained by Sir Francis Drake) and went into Southwark Cathedral (which was Shakespeare's church when he was in London!). When we (finally!) got to the Tower, we enjoyed a short tour by one of the Beefeaters (he was funny) and then spent the rest of our time trying to see EVERYTHING before it closed or our feet fell off. All the towers and passages were fun to explore and all the history we discovered there was pretty amazing.

At Tower of London with Tower Bridge in the background.

Eeeewwww... (it says "Bloody Tower")

Then we went back to the Novello (by this time our feet were practically dead), got our tickets (there was a scary moment when we discovered the tickets were down for the wrong day, but we eventually got it sorted out and actually got better seats! yay!), ate some dinner, and then went in to see Spring Awakening!!! It was so good! We were really close up and the whole thing was quite exhilarating.

Yay! :D

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