This day was pretty routine. I went to classes and the weekly meeting. Worked out loan stuff with AHA, did homework, and used the computer while I waited in between. I went to the store for food supplies, went for a run, ate dinner, emailed, and blogged. the end.
On this morning, I worked on various things (like how to pick up our Spring Awakening tickets without my old credit card). Then I went to class and worked on refund stuff for my oyster card with AHA people. Then I went to Russell Square to read for a bit. It was nice to just lie in the grass and read with the sun falling on my skin. Then I went home and chatted with some people online and then went for a nice long run. Then (after dinner) I went into town. Now, you might be saying "Why, Sara, would you go into town when you would usually be either at home in bed or heading home for bed?" Well, I'll tell you. My roomie read in the paper that Harry Potter had been filming near Piccadilly Circus the night before and then saw online that they would be there again from 11pm to 5am. So we (along with three other girls in the program) went down there to see what we could see. It ended up being a pretty interesting night. At one point we ended up within a few feet of the main trio (a.k.a. Harry, Ron, and Hermione). We were at the end of the street they were walking along and when they got to the end (and the filming stopped, I guess) there was an awkward silence and then Daniel Radcliffe said "well, good evening" to us. That was pretty cool. We got to see them film some shots (with all the extras and "rolling!" and"background action!" and so on). We saw a lot of the stand-ins (actually, we saw them first and that was what alerted us to the exact location of the filming and then we saw all the lights). The stand-ins were pretty impressive, especially from behind (their height and hair was very convincing). There were a lot of people there to watch (although we got there first, I think) and lots of security, too. They did a shot of them going down a crowded street (presumably after they run away from the wedding and the Ministry) and of them in the street with a bus (I think it had to do with them apparating and almost getting hit). We stayed there a long time. By the end of the night the stand-ins and a security guard recognized us. The stand-in for Ron said that we were "mad" for still being there so late (which I agreed with--I was only still there because my roomie was and I didn't want to go home alone so late). We ended up leaving at about 4am. By the time we got back it was light and we got about two hours of sleep before we had to get up to go to class. :P But it was an interesting experience, so I was glad I went.
I was soooooooooo tired. But I stayed awake all through Theatre class! (I'm pretty proud of that.) After that I checked email and ate lunch before we all headed off for our Britain Today field trip. (Martin is in the States right now for business--promotion, I think--so Leah (who works in the office) and Carole (an art professor) took us.) We split into two groups and Leah took mine to the Lloyd building first. It is a neat place (kind of weird-looking on the outside). It's a "community" for insurance people to work. They don't sell insurance, but they provide the space for underwriters and brokers and the like to work and meet. It's a pretty bustling place. Then we went to the Bank of England Museum. It was cool to see some of their exhibits and information about England's monetary system and history. There were also some fun hands-on activities. After that I headed home. I talked to people online (I think I might have gone for a run, but I'm too tired to remember for sure) and tried to take a nap to get rid of my tired-headache. After dinner, I tried lying down for a moment with some music playing and a pillow over my head. I just wanted to soothe my head a bit so I could finish my paper that was due today. However, I didn't set my alarm and then, the next thing I knew, it was 3am and I realized I hadn't worked on my paper yet. I frantically turned on my computer and pulled up my paper. Luckily, I had already started it, so I just needed to elaborate and finish it. I got that finished by a little before 6am, so I got to lie down again for about an hour before I had to get up again. crazy.
I was kinda tired again, but I had gotten over six hours of sleep (just at weird times), so I was okay. We got to our class to turn in our papers just in time (stupid being late and the tube being delayed). But we made it. After the class, I waited around to meet the guy who will be coming with us on our field trip this weekend (because our Shakespeare prof can't make it for some reason, so we get her "understudy"). Then I ate lunch and right before I left I got my new cards (thanks Mom!!!). Now I can get at my money! yay! In the afternoon, I decided to visit the Victoria & Albert museum, because I hadn't gone yet. I liked it. It is very pretty. There were some really cool locks & keys, some neat theatre rooms, and impressive casts of artifacts from far off places (from when it was fashionable to go to museums to see them instead of travel to the countries to see the originals). It also has a pretty courtyard with a shallow pond/pool thing, that kids can put their feet in. Then I came home and rested my feet (which were tired from all my walking around the museum, I guess). Then I went for a run. We had yummy chicken tonight for dinner. I am SO tired. I need to go to bed. Tomorrow we are all going to Stratford-Upon-Avon! Yay!
P.S. I am sorry if this post has lots of errors and is a bit incoherent, but I am really tired.
It is always enjoyable reading abut your adventures. Sometimes I get hungry after reading all the goodies you get to try; this time I got REALLY tired!;-) Love ya, PoppyL
ReplyDeleteI am glad that you got your cards now. Yeah those locks look pretty cool. I wana see them and see the actual mechanisms.