I got up early so that I could eat breakfast and get started on one of my papers. Then I went for a run and went to the store and then worked feverishly on my paper again. After talking with Patrick briefly, I got ready to go to the Mendelssohn concert I had tickets for. It was a really nice concert. (Our program director Martin was in it.) I really enjoyed just sitting and listening and thinking about stuff...choir music is really nice "thinking" music. :) It got out pretty late and so I got home really late. oh well.
This day was basically a "writing paper" day. But I did go on another run.
We had a surprise mid-term in Shakespeare class (it was supposed to be on Thursday). Then I worked on my papers until my Novel class. And that was basically what happened. (Except for more paper writing.)
I had my Novel mid-term and turned in my paper and worked on my other paper and started packing. That was pretty much is it.
This day was sooooo loooong. We had a three hour theatre class (which was a lot of lecture again) in the morning. Then, after only a half hour break, we had a longer than three hour Britain Today class. We did get to go the the Churchill Museum and the Cabinet War Rooms, which was pretty cool. And then (after dinner--I had Thai!) we went to see King Lear. A three hour and forty minute version. I was so tired. But the play was really good. It was the first time we've seen a Shakespeare play at a fringe theatre and (thankfully!) it was much better and more engrossing than the last time I saw it (which was a couple summers ago at Cal Lu). It was amazing. And weird. And gross. There was SO much blood. :P But I still really liked it. And Pete Postlethwaite (King Lear) and John Shrapnel (Earl of Gloucester) were in it, which was cool.
Today I had my last class and turned in my last paper and my theatre journal! YAY! Then I went on some errands. I got a card and gift for my Dad's boss (Borge) and his wife (Jytte) who we'll be seeing in Italy. Then I treated myself (for finishing mid-terms) by going to Hyde Park. I didn't stay for long, but it was nice to walk around for a bit. Then I got some euros and headed home, where I showered (yay!) and took a nap (double yay!). And now I'm going to finish this so I can get ready to go to the airport. eek! Bethany and I are going to get there tonight, because our flight leaves early in the morning. I'm so excited that I'm going to Italy!!!! First we are going to Rome, then to Caprese, Michelangelo (where Borge and Jytte have a house), then to Florence for a day, and then to Venice! It's going to be some Spring Break! :)
Today I had my last class and turned in my last paper and my theatre journal! YAY! Then I went on some errands. I got a card and gift for my Dad's boss (Borge) and his wife (Jytte) who we'll be seeing in Italy. Then I treated myself (for finishing mid-terms) by going to Hyde Park. I didn't stay for long, but it was nice to walk around for a bit. Then I got some euros and headed home, where I showered (yay!) and took a nap (double yay!). And now I'm going to finish this so I can get ready to go to the airport. eek! Bethany and I are going to get there tonight, because our flight leaves early in the morning. I'm so excited that I'm going to Italy!!!! First we are going to Rome, then to Caprese, Michelangelo (where Borge and Jytte have a house), then to Florence for a day, and then to Venice! It's going to be some Spring Break! :)